This pictogram image, derived from the pictogram set, is a great representation of my professional design identity. As seen within my own art and art inspirations, this simplistic mono-line design is my go-to style. The art inspirations include James Turner and Duckie Sama who also use mono-line outlines and more pastel colours. However, I am also a big fan of flat design, which can be seen by the lack of shading. The use of Illustrator and Procreate as the programs represents by bias towards digital mediums due to their modernity and polished style. Though the pictogram doesn’t entirely visually look like myself, it still depicts my long hair and wider face shape. The curl at the end of the hair can be seen as feminine, depicting that aspect of my personality into my icon. Personally, I think the simplicity is representative of myself as I can then apply many different changes and variety onto the base image. My personality can change quite drastically overtime but the base image of the pictogram head is consistent. The intended audience is teens and young adults, represented through the use of contemporary mediums and minimalist style.

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