5 Minute Project
My five minute project consisted of using a marker to write the birthdays of my family and friends by memory, on my arms. A lot of people (myself included) appreciate the fact that everyone around them remembers your birthday. They even more so are offended when you don’t. When I was a kid, I used to be able to remember everyone’s birthdays off by heart. But as I grew older, I started to weaver on this skill and now am horrible with remember birthdays outside of my main family. Writing the birthdays on my arms is done to emulate the action of remembering something; when you want to remember an important task, you write it on your hand. I wanted to recreate this to further remember the important dates. I wanted to test myself on how many I can still remember, especially under pressure.
Non-Art Materials Project
The project requested we make an artistic project predominately from non-art mediums (e.g. paint on canvas, clay, etc.). 
My flower parrot idea formed after my months spent in South Korea. Soon after arriving, I became acutely aware of the lack of wildlife there was. Compared to Australia, the lacking variety of birds, critters and even different breeds of dogs made me miss the vibrant Australian landscape. In contrast, because of the weather conditions, Seoul was a very colourful city. With every changing season, there was a new environment to look forward to; either the cherry blossoms of Spring, the golden leaves of Autumn or the crisp snow of Winter. There were numerous stores selling colourful flowers for every occasion. 
Seeing this, I wanted to combine both experiences together. Using small flowers, I trimmed and hot-glued them to a foam base carved into the shape of a rainbow parakeet. 

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